Thursday, 18 July 2013

Multi-channel – the future of the contact centre?

Consumers everywhere now have the ability to call; browse the web; order and purchase products and services; and comment about their experience. The meteoric adoption of portable consumer technology such as smartphones and tablets, in just the last two years is only set to extend further with new devices and new ways of interacting already in development.

So where does this leave businesses that only used to interact with customers over the phone or email?

Customers are now demanding interaction with customer service organisations via mobile devices. To compete in the market, these organisations need to provide the means to be contacted in this way so that customers can, at the swipe of their finger perform tasks such as:
  • register, order and pay for products and services,
  • locate offices or stores,
  • create call back/support requests; and
  • receive value-added services and incentives.
To keep up with the pace of innovation, and compete effectively and quickly, companies are outsourcing requests to develop mobile apps and mobile optimised websites. They also want to offer the latest functionality associated with these apps such as GPS to locate stores/offices, and/or payment security for orders and purchases using an app or mobile website.

As exciting as all this advancement and connectivity is for businesses, the challenge facing Customer Services departments is that they have to do more with less financial investment. Efficiency is still the dominant objective. As customer touch points grow, department heads know that they have to devise a strategy that includes automating as many common enquiries and payments as possible to free up their agents for other tasks and keep costs down.

Generation X and Generation Y will continue to drive the adoption of new mobile technologies and demand more self-service offerings. To meet changing customer demands, brands need to create a stronger customers service by enabling the user to take control of their own accounts on a 24/7 basis.

As well as our expertise in phone automation through speech enabled technology, Eckoh has worked with businesses to get them interacting with their customers through their preferred contact channel including phone, web, mobile/ smartphones and other devices. Services can also be highly personalised, recognising customers from previous interactions, and meeting their needs using information already known about them. 

Speed is the key for customers and personalisation means that the customers needs are met quickly and efficiently. But it doesn't stop at just providing all these channels. They have to work seamlessly together and follow the customer's journey as they flit from one channel to the next. The customer expects consistency, so whether they start with a web chat, follow through with a web purchase and end in a conversation with an advisor - they'll expect that advisor to know their entire contact history and keep up with them.

Want more information about our services? Contact Eckoh here, or call 08000 630 730 

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